All Parents and Spectators must abide by the Code of Conduct /Any violations of this code can result in termination of association participation.
- At any Pop Warner event, practice, or competition, any adult who: verbally abuses; attempts to intimidate; is flagrantly rude; or cannot control their language or actions with an official, coach, or Pop Warner volunteer shall be asked to leave the Pop Warner event and property whether the property is owned by VPW or leased. The adult’s children may also be removed from the event at the discretion of the association’s officials.
- Any adult who commits a second, similar offense shall be banned from Pop Warner events for the remainder of the season and their child(ren) may be removed from VPW for the remainder of the season. Removal of the child will be at the discretion of the association’s officials. No Refund of monies will be executed.
- Any adult who physically assaults an official, coach, or Pop Warner volunteer will be banned from Pop Warner and their child(ren) may be removed from the Pop Warner program for one year from the date of the offense. The child(ren) may not participate in another Pop Warner association during the sanction period. After one year, the parent may apply for reinstatement of the child(ren). If the adult commits a second offense, a permanent ban from Pop Warner shall be issued, and the child(ren) may be permanently removed from Pop Warner. The adult’s children may also be removed from Pop Warner at the discretion of the association’s officials.
- Valpo Pop Warner has a zero tolerance policy regarding being under the influence of drugs or alcohol; consuming drugs or alcohol; and distributing drugs or alcohol at all Pop Warner games and practices. Adults who violate this will serve a two-week suspension from all Pop Warner activities. A second violation will bring a one-year suspension for the adult offender. A third offense will be a permanent expulsion from VPW for the adult and child participant.
- All adults shall execute an acknowledgment of the adult behavior policy at the time of enrollment of the child(ren) in the VPW organization.
- The term “physical assault” shall include, but is not limited to, hitting, slapping, pushing, spitting, kicking, or striking in any way with any part of the body or any physical implement.
- I will not criticize the Association, board members, coaches, players and/or cheerleaders in public (including on social media, Team App/Team Reach or any application used specifically by Coaches and Parents for team communication) but reserve constructive criticism for later, in private, with those involved.
- I understand that there is a PROPER CHAIN OF COMMAND when issues/complaints arise within respective VPW teams. This chain of command begins with the HEAD COACH of your team, if your issue is not resolved, you may escalate to a BOARD MEMBER (Emails listed on valpopopwarner.com). If issues/complaints are not resolved at the Board Member level, then you may contact NORTHERN INDIANA POP WARNER (emails listed on nipwls.com). Be prepared to show proof that the chain of command was followed when escalating to the next level.
- I will accept decisions of the game officials on the field as being fair and called to the best ability of the officials.
- I will not criticize an opposing team, its players, spirit participants, coaches, fans by word of mouth or by gesture.
- I will emphasize with my child that good athletes strive to be good students that are physically and mentally alert.
- I will strive to make every football/cheerleading activity serve as a training ground for life, and a basis for good mental and physical health by being there to support my child.
- I will emphasize that winning is the result of good “TEAMWORK”.
- I will refrain from talking to my child during games and practices.
- I understand that any fan that becomes a nuisance and out of control shall be asked to leave.
- I will refrain from using abusive and profane language at all times.
- I will not deliberately incite unsportsmanlike conduct.
- I will abstain from drinking alcoholic beverages and using tobacco products (Smoking, Chewing) at both the game and practice fields.
- I will support all fundraisers and other Association activities.
- I will be responsible for completing and returning all paperwork during the season on time.
- I understand I will be required to help out where needed during association functions.
- I will not do anything that will be detrimental to the team and/or association.
- I will be responsible for getting and picking up my child on time from all association functions and I understand that some younger teams (6U, TM) coaches may request that parents STAY FOR THE DURATION OF PRACTICE.
- I will be responsible for all my child’s equipment and uniforms. I will replace anything that is lost, stolen, damaged due to misuse or not turned in at the end of the season.
- I will uphold all Rules, Regulations, National and local, regarding Pop Warner Football, Cheerleading and Dance.
- Any violations of the code of conduct can result in termination of Association participation.
- I understand that if my child misses practice(s) during the week, my child may or may not participate in the following weekend’s game due to safety reasons. THIS IS AT THE DISCRETION OF THE HEAD COACH.
- I understand that if my child is late to game day weigh ins, my HEAD COACH or the WEIGH MASTER may decide that my child is not eligible for game play.
- I understand that my HEAD COACH may create rules that apply to his/her own team and that my child and I are expected to follow these rules etc. Board Members cannot and will not pressure Head Coaches to change their rules (As long as they are in line with National and Regional Pop Warner rules)
- I understand that it is a privilege and not a right to participate in VPW programs.
All equipment and uniforms must be turned in prior to a refund being issued. Refunds requested after 5/15/25 will be reduced by any costs incurred by VPW on behalf of your child. If a jersey has been purchased it will be made available for pickup. There are no refunds given for discount cards.
All football and cheer equipment is to be returned to Valparaiso Pop Warner at the end of each season. Equipment must be turned in to the Equipment manager on a date to be determined. Equipment not turned in by the deadline date is considered lost or stolen and is subject to an equipment fee of $350 for football equipment and $150 per cheerleading uniform plus any cost associated with legal fees. All refunds must be requested, in writing, to the league treasurer.
Any costs associated with travel are the responsibility of the parent. If a team advances to regionals and/or nationals, the parents/guardians are financially responsible for travel, lodging, meals. Each team that advances can and should fundraise for potential travel expenses. All monies raised for travel expenses much be divided amongst each team member equally.
If a team raises monies for travel but does not move on to regionals, the monies will be put in a travel fund.
Valparaiso Pop Warner will maintain separate travel funds for football and cheer. All fundraisers must be approved by the Valparaiso Pop Warner Board prior to any fundraising beginning.