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Valpo Pop Warner

Valpo Pop Warner



The VPWLS mission is to provide young athletes in the Valparaiso area with a safe, developmental, challenging, and quality football & cheer experience that offers advanced learning instruction, organized practices, and high caliber competition. We like to think of ourselves as a feeder program for Valparaiso High School athletics. In the world of Valparaiso football & cheer, it all starts with Valpo Pop Warner.

 We like to think of ourselves as a feeder program for Valparaiso High School athletics. In the world of Valparaiso football & cheer, it all starts with Valpo Pop Warner. 

The participation of our local business community is crucial to that success. Valparaiso Pop Warner continues to lead the way with the lowest registration costs for participants compared to surrounding associations.  Monetary sponsorships from local businesses help to ensure that we can continue to keep the program affordable for all families, and that no child is turned away from our program due to the inability to cover registration costs.  With the addition of Spring Cheer and Flag Football this year we were able to give out over 12 scholarships between our spring and fall seasons. This could not have been made possible without the generosity and support of our local businesses.

Sponsorships are available at the following levels:

SILVER $300: Company Name on our website listed as a 2025 sponsor. Team website:

GOLD $500: All of the above PLUS: Company name & logo displayed on a large banner that is placed at the entrance of all home games in a highly visible location.

DIAMOND $750: All of the above PLUS: Email and Facebook blasts thanking you for your contribution. Your own individual banner that will be hung at all VPW home football games. This helps offset the cost of new equipment (Cheer mats, helmets, shoulder pads, etc.) for the program as a whole.

PLATINUM $1000: All of the above PLUS: A picture/ plaque of our entire football & cheer program to hang in our business’ office. Offsets the cost of new equipment, field rental, and VPW activities such as “Meet the Vikes Night.”

Thank you for your consideration in becoming a sponsor for our 2025 season. Check donations can be made out to Valparaiso Pop Warner and mailed to 2754 Kildare Courtyard, Valparaiso, IN, 46385.



Valpo Pop Warner

Email: [email protected]

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