Spring Cheer/Fall Cheer
1. Mid America Spring Competition
Date: Sunday, April 13th
Location: Michigan City High School
Admission: $10 for spectators (ages 5 and under are free)
2. Hometown Showdown
Date: Sunday, April 27th
Location: Valparaiso High School
Admission: $5 for spectators CASH ONLY (ages 2 and under are free)
3. Great America Competition
Date: Saturday May 3rd
Location: TBA
Admission Fee: TBA
4. Fall Cheer Registration
Dates: Opens 3/1 and will close 6/6
Cost: $375*
*Financial assistance will be available if necessary so please reach out to
[email protected] if you would like to discuss further. We will also be offering Discount Cards again to offset the registration cost for our VPW families. If your family recruits a Corporate Sponsor, please let us know and your registration fee will be waived for one child for each sponsor. Sponsor questions can be directed to Patty at
[email protected] or found under the "Sponsors" section on our website. Also, our sibling discount will be available.
5. RailCats Cheer Fundraiser
Date: August 2nd
Location: Gary SouthShore RailCats SteelYard
Time: TBA
6. Cheer Conditioning (Mandatory)
Date: Starts 8/4
Location: Butterfly Park
7. Princess Gala
Location: TBA
Time: TBA
Spring Flag Football
1. Registration/Paperwork
Currently open and closes 2/28. For this flag season, the age cutoff date used will be your child's age as of 8/1/24. If your athlete does NOT have a physical on file from Fall 2024, then they must submit one by 3/14. If you are coaching, you must have a background check on file by 3/14. If you coached in Fall 2024, your background check is still valid.
2. Rosters
Will be provided to Coaches by 3/7
3. Mandatory Head Coach Meeting (all coaches are welcome)
Date: 3/12 from 5:30-6:30 pm
Location: Valparaiso Nazarene Church Youth Center (Enter Door 4)
2702 E. Glendale Blvd, Valparaiso
4. Parent Meeting (not mandatory but recommended and encouraged for new families)
Date: 3/12 from 6:30-7:30 pm
Location: Valparaiso Nazarene Church Youth Center (Enter Door 4)
2702 E. Glendale Blvd, Valparaiso
5. Practice Dates/Location
Date: Season opens 4/1. Your coaches will reach out mid March via SportsEngine to set team practice dates.
Location: Hayes Leonard/VALE: 653 Hayes Leonard Road, Valparaiso
6. Games
Dates: Sundays from 4/13-5/25 (no games on Easter Sunday, 4/20). Schedules will be released hopefully late March, but Valpo is hosting on 5/4 and 5/11.
7. Flag Football Commissioner: Matt Austin
Fall Tackle Football
1. Registration/Paperwork
Dates: 3/1-4/30
Cost: $350*
Mandatory Equipment Fittings (only need to attend 1):
Date 1: 4/23 from 5:30-7:30 pm at Valparaiso Nazarene Church Gym (Enter Door 7)
Date 2: 5/6 from 5:30-7:30 pm at Valparaiso Nazarene Church Gym (Enter Door 7)
Paperwork: Laura will send out further information once we open up tackle registration, but it is never too early to get your athlete's physical! We will need paperwork earlier than past years for this year.
Sports Connect: We will be transitioning from SportsEngine to Sports Connect for the Fall Cheerleading/Tackle Football season. This should help streamline registration and reduce paperwork as we will be able to upload all paperwork to provide to Northern.
*Financial assistance will be available if necessary so please reach out to
[email protected] if you would like to discuss further. We will also be offering Discount Cards again to offset the registration cost for our VPW families. If your family recruits a Corporate Sponsor, please let us know and your registration fee will be waived for one child for each sponsor. Sponsor questions can be directed to Patty at
[email protected] or found under the "Sponsors" section on our website. Also, our sibling discount will be available and we will be offering an Early Bird Registration discount as well.
2. Rosters
We will work to provide these by 5/15 to Coaches who will then reach out to their teams to notify parents.
2. Mandatory Head Coach Meeting (all coaches are welcome and encouraged to attend)
Date: 6/25 from 5:30-6:30 pm
Location: Valparaiso Nazarene Church Youth Center (Enter Door 4)
2702 E. Glendale Blvd, Valparaiso
3. Parent Meeting (not mandatory but recommended and encouraged for new families)
Date: 6/25 from 6:30-7:30 pm
Location: Valparaiso Nazarene Church Youth Center (Enter Door 4)
2702 E. Glendale Blvd, Valparaiso
4. Season Start Date
For the 2025 Fall Tackle season, we have been informed by Northern that Pop Warner has moved the official start date of the season from 8/1 to 7/15. We understand the concern and potential issues that this causes for our baseball families or families that plan vacations prior to football start. This is news to us and we will be working in the upcoming months to determine our best route for an official conditioning start date.
5. O'Rama/Mandatory ID Day Weekend
Tentatively scheduled for the weekend of 8/23. Details will be announced when received.
6. Tackle Football Commissioner: Kristen Patten
*****Special Events/Save the Dates*****
1. Mid-America All-American Scholar Luncheon & Awards
Date: 4/27
Location: Avalon Manor, Merrillville
For further information or if you have not yet RSVP's your scholar, please contact Joal at
valpopopwarnerscholastics@gmail.com for more info. This is open to our Scholars and their families that were recently notified of their qualification. This is a great event to honor these special athletes. For those that cannot attend, we will have reps on site that will pick up your awards and coordinate to get them to you.
2. Active Kids Day
Date: 4/27 from 12 pm - 3 pm
Location: Downtown Valparaiso Central Park
Valpo Parks hosts this event to get kids out and active in our community. There will be various organization booths. Please stop by our booth to see us and bring any friends that may be interested in joining our program to meet us and learn more info!
3. Valpo High School Football Camp for Elementary & Middle School Athletes
Dates: May 12th and 13th 4:30PM-6:00PM Kindergarten, 1st, and, 2nd Grade
May 13th and 14th 4:30PM-6:00PM 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade
Location: Valparaiso High School
****This event is not hosted by VPW so any questions should be directed to Coach Marshall at [email protected].
4. Flag O'Rama* - Coach Marshall and the Valpo Viking High School Football team will again join VPW for a fun filled flag football event with food trucks.
Date: 5/17 from 11 am - 1 pm
Location: Hayes Leonard/VALE
5. Skill/Speed/Agility Camp hosted by VPW and BOLD Fitness*
Date: 5/27 & 5/28 from 5-7 pm
Location: Hayes Leonard/VALE
*Further details/registration info to follow
6. VHS/VPW Football Player/Coach Camp*
Date: TBD in June
Location: VHS
*Further details/registration info to follow
7. Annual VPW Fundraiser Golf Outing*
Date: 8/16
Location: Valparaiso Country Club
*Details to follow. It is never too early to recruit foursomes and hole sponsors, so please contact Patty at
[email protected] to reserve your spots!
8. Popcorn Fest Parade*
Date: 9/6